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An astropath is a person who has been born with an inate intellectual talent, perhaps the next rung on the evolutionary ladder: they have photographic memories, can read the thoughts of people around them, are telopathic, and their most amazing talent is that they can transport their spirit to anywhere in the world that they can see clearly and become physical in that location. But their greatest gift opens the door to their greatest weakness, which is when they leave their body to astral project the body they leave behind is as helpless as a manikin.
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The Young Adult style of the Journeys of the Astropaths is a natural fit for the classroom. The live links being established below are lesson plans and classroom ideas for teaching these books. The ideal age would be high school, but in some ESL situations even college or university students might be a good fit for these books. We are developing chapter by chapter quizes, vocabulary activities, essay ideas, and creative writing activities to enhance student writing.