Tuesday, February 26, 2008

$14 Shipped Anywhere In the WOLRD

Signed Copies of THOSE WHO HEAR can be purchased for $14. I have factored in shipping to this price and the cost of ink from my really cool book signing pen. Want it signed, let me know what you would like me to say and I'll scribble it in there for you.
Book stores in Asia will be SLOWLY getting this book onto their shelves, but if you want the personal touch of a signed copy delivered directly to you, click the BUY NOW button.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Launch Date is Set for ASTROPATH

The mock up of the cover.
Bangkok Book House has announced the release of the first Astropath Journey. THOSE WHO HEAR releases on Bangkok Books website first: http://www.bangkokbooks.com/ on the 13th of February and then will trickle into book stores by weeks end. It is always difficult in Bangkok to know exactly what stores will have it. This book, unlike ECHO POOL, will not be written under Jonathon Siminoe, but instead will be authored by SIM. Using a pen name has been somewhat liberating. Of course people know its me, but the SIM style of writing will be very different from my literary approach because the focus will be magic, suspense, action, and a touch of wonder.
The plan is to produce 5 Journeys of the Astropaths books. We already are in the process of completing the second book and I am very happy with the progress of the action and development of the characters. We are currently scheduled to release LEARNING TO SEE in the summer of 2008.